Results for 'The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines'

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  1.  21
    What Is Happening to Our Beautiful Land?The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines - 2007 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 4 (2):487-496.
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  2. Walking the Bodhisattva Path/Walking the Christ Path.Us Conference of Catholic Bishops - forthcoming - Buddhist-Christian Studies.
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    Walking the Bodhisattva Path/Walking the Christ Path.Catholic Church United States Conference of Catholic Bishops & San Fransisco Zen Center - 2004 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 24 (1):247-248.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Walking the Bodhisattva Path/Walking the Christ PathU.S. Conference of Catholic BishopsCatholics and Buddhists brought together by Dharma Realm Buddhist Association, the San Francisco Zen Center, and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) met 20-23 March 2003 in the first of an anticipated series of four annual dialogues. Abbot Heng Lyu, the monks and nuns, and members of the Dharma Realm Buddhist Association hosted (...)
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    Law and Disorder: Ontario Catholic Bishops’ Opposition to Gay-Straight Alliances.Tonya D. Callaghan - 2014 - Paideusis: Journal of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society 22 (1):28-37.
    Originating in the United States, a Gay/Straight Alliance (GSA) is an in-school student club whose focus is on making the school a safe space for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer students and their straight allies by raising awareness about, and hopefully reducing, school-based homophobia. The ongoing struggle for GSAs in Canadian Catholic schools is one example of how clashes continue to be played out between Catholic canonical law and Canadian common law regarding sexual minorities. This paper draws (...)
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    One Bishops' Conference.Michael McKenna - 1998 - The Australasian Catholic Record 75 (1):46.
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  6. Catholic worship book II [Book Review].John de Luca - 2018 - The Australasian Catholic Record 95 (4):501.
    de Luca, John Review of: Catholic worship book II, Australian Catholic Bishops Conference. Full music ed., 2 vols, $295.00; people's ed., $34.95.
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    Human reproduction: Dominion and limits.Richard A. McCormick - 1996 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 6 (4):387-392.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Human Reproduction: Dominion and LimitsRichard A. McCormick S.J. (bio)The general struggle throughout Christian history has been to seek the proper balance between dominion and limits, intervention and nonintervention, givenness, and creativity. This struggle has worked itself out in six areas that touch human life. In this essay, I will revisit the Catholic tradition’s treatment of these in terms of dominion and limits to see whether we can discern (...)
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    Religious Perspectives on Bioethics, Part I.Laura Jane Bishop & Mary Carrington Coutts - 1994 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 4 (2):155-183.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Religious Perspectives on Bioethics, Part ILaura Jane Bishop (bio) and Mary Carrington Coutts (bio)This is Part One of a two part Scope Note on Religious Perspectives on Bioethics. Part Two will be published in the December 1994 issue of this Journal. This Scope Note has been organized in alphabetical order by the name of the religious tradition.Contents for Parts 1 and 2Part 1Part 2I.GeneralI.Native AmericanII.African Religious TraditionsReligious TraditionsIII.Bahá'í FaithII.Protestantism—willIV.Buddhism (...)
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    A Catholic-Realist Approach to International Political Life: Application to Selected Current Questions.Stephen M. Krason - 2001 - Catholic Social Science Review 6:319-331.
    The papers in this symposium were delivered at the Society of Catholic Social Scientists’ spring conference of the same name on April 17, 1999 at Notre Dame Law School. The Society in its history has given some particular attention to this issue, having sent letters to all the members of Congress opposing the early Clinton Administration initiative to let known homosexuals into the military and to all the U.S. bishops pointing out the serious problems with the homosexual-specific ministries (...)
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    Causation: A Realist Approach. [REVIEW]John Bishop - 1991 - Review of Metaphysics 45 (2):431-432.
    This book adds to a realist account of laws of nature the framework for a related realist understanding of causation. It has two main parts: the first is concerned with laws, the second with causation. In the first main part, Tooley surveys sophisticated regularity accounts of laws and argues that none is successful. One of his central themes is that regularity accounts fail to meet the intuition that there can be underived laws which lack relevant instances--an intuition which Tooley supports (...)
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    Catholic Education in the Service of Africa.A. C. F. Beales & Pan-African Catholic Education Conference - 1967 - British Journal of Educational Studies 15 (3):320.
  12.  20
    Catholic Social Teaching and Unionism.Charles W. Baird - 2003 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 13 (2).
    Catholic Social Teaching on labor unions as promulgated by Pope Leo XIII and several of his successors is contrary to the form of unionism imposed on American workers and employers by the National Labor Relations Act. Since many of the coercive aspects of the NLRA are replicated in laws adopted in several to papal condemnation. The 1986 pastoral letter of the American Conference of Catholic Bishops promulgates views on unionism that are inconsistent with papal teaching. Frederic Bastiat, (...)
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  13. Contemporary Catholic Social Ethics and International Relations: A North-South American Perspective.Vittorio D. Falsina - 1996 - Dissertation, The University of Chicago
    Focusing on the tradition of Roman Catholic social teaching, this dissertation examines and compares two contemporary models of theological-ethical reflection: the neoliberal model represented by the United States bishops' conference, and the structuralist model espoused by the Latin American bishops' conference, both focusing on their understanding of political economy in the context of North-South American relations. ;The thrust of this dissertation is that the study of theological ethics in general, and in this particular case of the tradition (...)
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    Observation, Interaction, and Second-Person Sharing.James Kintz & Jeffrey P. Bishop - 2022 - International Philosophical Quarterly 62 (1):65-82.
    A growing number of scholars have suggested that there is a unique I-You relation that obtains between persons in face-to-face encounters, but while the increased attention paid to the second-person has led to many important insights regarding the nature of this relation, there is still much work to be done to clarify what makes the second-person relation distinct. In this paper we wish to develop recent scholarship on the second-person by means of a phenomenological analysis of a doctor-patient interaction. In (...)
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  15. An Introduction to Catholic Social Thought.Michael P. Hornsby-Smith - 2006 - Cambridge University Press.
    Michael Hornsby-Smith offers an overview of Catholic social thought particularly in recent decades. While drawing on official teaching such as papal encyclicals and the pastoral letters of bishops' conferences, he takes seriously the need for dialogue with secular thought. The 2006 book is organized in four stages. Part I outlines the variety of domestic and international injustices and seeks to offer a social analysis of the causes of these injustices. Part II offers a theological reflection on the characteristics of (...)
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    On Performing Reinfibulation in Catholic Hospitals.Addison S. Tenorio - 2020 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 20 (1):75-92.
    Female genital mutilation/cutting is a multifaceted, culturally entrenched issue. In response to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ resources dealing with the issue of FGM/C, this paper explores what resources sexual ethics can provide Catholic hospitals facing this issue, specifically with regards to the request for reinfibulation. FGM/C ought not to be treated as a univocal medical practice; rather, in natural law evaluations of the act, the practice of reinfibulation ought to be separately acknowledged. Reinfibulation cannot (...)
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  17. The Roman Catholic Church, Biopolitics, and the Vegetative State.J. P. Bishop & D. R. Morrison - 2011 - Christian Bioethics 17 (2):165-184.
    Compelled by recent public and politicized cases in which withdrawal of nutrition and hydration were at issue, this essay examines recent Church statements and argues that the distinction between private and public forms of human life is being lost. Effacing the distinction between the sphere of the home (oikos), where the maintenance of life (zoē) occurs, and the city (polis), where political and public life (bios) occurs, may have unforeseen and unwanted consequences. Through their well-intentioned efforts to preserve the sanctity (...)
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  18. How a Modest Fideism may Constrain Theistic Commitments: Exploring an Alternative to Classical Theism.John Bishop - 2007 - Philosophia 35 (3-4):387-402.
    On the assumption that theistic religious commitment takes place in the face of evidential ambiguity, the question arises under what conditions it is permissible to make a doxastic venture beyond one’s evidence in favour of a religious proposition. In this paper I explore the implications for orthodox theistic commitment of adopting, in answer to that question, a modest, moral coherentist, fideism. This extended Jamesian fideism crucially requires positive ethical evaluation of both the motivation and content of religious doxastic ventures. I (...)
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    The Bishops' Conference.Geoffrey Robinson - 1998 - The Australasian Catholic Record 75 (1):36.
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    When is somebody just some body? Ethics as first philosophy and the brain death debate.Jeffrey P. Bishop - 2019 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 40 (5):419-436.
    I, along with others, have been critical of the social construction of brain death and the various social factors that led to redefining death from cardiopulmonary failure to irreversible loss of brain functioning, or brain death. Yet this does not mean that brain death is not the best threshold to permit organ harvesting—or, as people today prefer to call it, organ procurement. Here I defend whole-brain death as a morally legitimate line that, once crossed, is grounds for families to give (...)
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    Democratic Socialism, the Catholic Bishops, and Human Rights.Joseph Betz - 1995 - Social Philosophy Today 10:251-265.
  22.  10
    Bishop Butlers Contribution to Ethics.A. R. C. Duncan - 1949 - Proceedings of the Tenth International Congress of Philosophy 2:1153-1155.
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    Disrupting Epistemic Injustice: Gender Equality and Progressive Philippine Catholic Communities.Hazel Biana, Mark A. Dacela & Rosallia Domingo - 2022 - Intersections: Gender and Sexuality in Asia and the Pacific (48).
    In this paper, we discuss specific epistemic injustices suffered by gender minorities in the Philippines. We also show that societal changes have been evident throughout the years. We review some progressive Philippine Catholic communities' sustainable development efforts toward gender equality or toward the eradication of discrimination, marginalisation, and violence based on a person's sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression (SOGIE). Despite these epistemic injustices, we reveal that there are ways by which gender disorientations may be disrupted by (...)
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    First page preview.Bishop John & Believing Faith - 2007 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 15 (3).
  25. The Just War and Non-violent Positions.Us Catholic Bishops - 1986 - In Malham M. Wakin, War, morality, and the military profession. Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press.
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  26. The episcopal conference in the communications marketplace: Issues and challenges for Catholic identity and ecclesiology.Brian Lucas - 2012 - The Australasian Catholic Record 89 (4):408.
    Lucas, Brian This article deals with the role of the Episcopal Conference in the area of social communications and the tensions that arise with respect to the respective roles of the diocesan bishop and the Episcopal Conference, including lay heads of ecclesial agencies, in presenting 'the face of the Church' in the public forum. The article is divided into two sections: i)The Church as 'visible institution' and the ecclesiological and juridical foundations for identifying those who represent it in (...)
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    Bishop John Fisher’s Response to Martin Luther.Thomas P. Scheck - 2013 - Franciscan Studies 71:463-509.
    When some of his teachings were condemned by the papal bull Exsurge Domine in June, 1520, Martin Luther responded by publicly defending his views in a work entitled Defense and Explanation of all the Articles.1 The most extensive episcopal response to Luther’s defense of his forty-one condemned assertions was penned by John Fisher, the Bishop of Rochester, England.2 Fisher later became a Catholic martyr of King Henry VIII and was eventually canonized in 1935 together with Thomas More. Fisher’s Confutation (...)
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    U.S. Catholic Bishops on Nutrition and Hydration: A Second Opinion.Russell B. Connors - 1993 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 4 (3):253-255.
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    Catholic Philosophy in Latin America Today.Mary Morkovsky - 1979 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 53:36-44.
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    Catholic Movements in the Philippines.Daniel Franklin Pilario - 2013 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 10 (2):383-399.
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    Catholic Movements in the Philippines.C. Daniel Franklin Pilario - 2013 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 10 (2):383-399.
  32. Building a Culture of Life: A Catholic Perspective.Bishop James T. McHugh - 2001 - Christian Bioethics 7 (3):441-452.
    Bishop James T. McHugh; Building a Culture of Life: A Catholic Perspective, Christian bioethics: Non-Ecumenical Studies in Medical Morality, Volume 7, Issue 3.
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    Lonergan’s Economic Perspective.Joseph Bishop - 2010 - The Lonergan Review 2 (1):340-361.
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    International Co-Operation in Oriental Librarianship. 28 ICO Library Seminars.Ernest Bender, Enid Bishop & Jean M. Waller - 1975 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 95 (1):171.
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    Religion and Public Education.Joe Bishop - 2008 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 43 (1):2-5.
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    Sydney Hook Reconsidered (review).Philip Bishop - 2005 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 41 (2):451-454.
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    First page preview.Michael A. Bishop & J. D. Trout - 2006 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 20 (2).
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    Elmer Daniel Klemke, 1926-2000. [REVIEW]Michael Bishop & William S. Robinson - 2001 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 74 (5):238 - 239.
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  39. Why the Semantic Incommensurability Thesis is Self-Defeating.Michael A. Bishop - 1991 - Philosophical Studies 63 (3):343 - 356.
    What factors are involved in the resolution of scientific disputes? What factors make the resolution of such disputes rational? The traditional view confers an important role on observation statements that are shared by proponents of competing theories. Rival theories make incompatible (sometimes contradictory) observational predictions about a particular situation, and the prediction made by one theory is borne out while the prediction made by the other is not. Paul Feyerabend, Thomas Kuhn, and Paul Churchland have called into question this account (...)
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  40. Animals in Research and Education: Ethical Issues.Laura Jane Bishop & Anita L. Nolen - 2001 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 11 (1):91-112.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 11.1 (2001) 91-112 [Access article in PDF] Scope Note 40 Animals in Research and Education: Ethical Issues Laura Jane Bishop and Anita Lonnes Nolen Scientific enquiry is inexorably tied to animal experimentation in the popular imagination and human history. Many, if not most, of the spectacular innovations in the medical understanding and treatment of today's human maladies have been based on research using animals. (...)
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  41. Artificial Intelligence Is Stupid and Causal Reasoning Will Not Fix It.J. Mark Bishop - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:513474.
    Artificial Neural Networks have reached “grandmaster” and even “super-human” performance across a variety of games, from those involving perfect information, such as Go, to those involving imperfect information, such as “Starcraft”. Such technological developments from artificial intelligence (AI) labs have ushered concomitant applications across the world of business, where an “AI” brand-tag is quickly becoming ubiquitous. A corollary of such widespread commercial deployment is that when AI gets things wrong—an autonomous vehicle crashes, a chatbot exhibits “racist” behavior, automated credit-scoring processes (...)
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  42. On Separating Predictability and Determinism.Robert C. Bishop - 2003 - Erkenntnis 58 (2):169-188.
    There has been a long-standing debate about the relationship of predictability and determinism. Some have maintained that determinism implies predictability while others have maintained that predictability implies determinism. Many have maintained that there are no implication relations between determinism and predictability. This summary is, of course, somewhat oversimplified and quick at least in the sense that there are various notions of determinism and predictability at work in the philosophical literature. In this essay I will focus on what I take to (...)
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    Gandhi’s Religious Thought. [REVIEW]Donald Bishop - 1985 - International Philosophical Quarterly 25 (3):331-333.
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    Educational Psychology.Raymond J. Bishop - 1935 - Modern Schoolman 12 (2):44-44.
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    Studies in Chinese Literature.C. S. G. & John L. Bishop - 1965 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 85 (2):289.
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  46. Disagreement and Free Speech.Sebastien Bishop & Robert Mark Simpson - 2024 - In Maria Baghramian, J. Adam Carter & Rach Cosker-Rowland, Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Disagreement. New York, NY: Routledge.
    This chapter examines two ways in which liberal thinkers have appealed to claims about disagreement in order to defend a principle of free speech. One argument, from Mill, says that free speech is a necessary condition for healthy disagreement, and that healthy disagreement is conducive to human flourishing. The other argument says that in a community of people who disagree about questions of value, free speech is a necessary condition of legitimate democratic government. We argue that both of these arguments, (...)
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    Is There a Catholic Philosophy?Charles A. Hart - 1934 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 10:157.
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    Which Rights Should Be Universal? [REVIEW]Michael A. Bishop - 2006 - Review of Metaphysics 59 (3):683-685.
    Basic human rights are “necessary for a government to be relied upon to make itself more just over time”. Ultimately, Talbott grounds basic human rights in our “capacity for autonomy”. While he is prepared to grant that autonomy may be intrinsically valuable, his primary focus is showing how societies that protect autonomy by respecting basic human rights better promote their citizens’ well-being.
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    Framing euthanasia.J. P. Bishop - 2006 - Journal of Medical Ethics 32 (4):225-228.
    Death cannot be mastered through a metaphysics of efficiency that interprets all actions in terms only of cause and effect, but it can be transcended if we leave the frame open to death’s ambiguityIn the second of this two part series, I describe how in shifting our frames from one of human purpose and meaning to one of efficiency, we shift the possible answers we get to our questions about voluntary active euthanasia and physician assisted suicide . Thus, by placing (...)
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    What Future has Catholic Philosophy?John Haldane - 1997 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 71:79-90.
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